Saturday, November 11, 2006

My New Ramen Recipe

I haven't had any ramen for a while. Maybe a sign of getting old? :( Ramen broth started getting my stomach upset. Too much sodium and msg content perhaps may have been the cause of it. I looked in my cupboard and found one last Sin-ramen I got left. Hmm,, what can I do with it? So said I..

Here comes my new ramen recipe:

1. dried anchovy
2. dried sea tangle
3. sour kimchi (you buy kimchi and let it sit in your fridge for a monthor so)
4. asian meatball (italian meatball might work..)
5. fish cake
6. sin ramen

of course all those items are found in any asian stores.. =p

First thing first;; you need to remove the head and guts from (1). Boil (1)(2) for about 5 minutes (if you do mot remove the guts, your broth will taste bitter!). Perhaps, 5(1) and about 3x5in of (2).

Remove (1)(2) from broth and add (3)(4)(5). Bring water to boil again and add (6) but only noodles. Now,, here's the tricky part. You kind of have to know how you like your ramen. You can do your own seasoning but I just used 1/5 of broth powder that came with sin ramen pacakge. So yeah, I am adding a little MSG still.. but not nearly as much as the whole thing..

You can add an egg or onion depending on your preference. OMG, it was so good that I almost thought about opening a ramen restaurant!!


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